Sumeet MahadikI almost ordered a product for free. (Business Logic Vulnerability)How does it sound that you ordered something and almost got it for free? Wouldn't that make you happy? Well, that's exactly how I felt. But…Jun 30, 2023Jun 30, 2023
ArumusutakimuXSS with 403 WAF Bypass for “(” and (document.cookie)Hi!, in this article I want to share my finding about reflected XSS and some way for bypassing 403 Forbidden.Jun 5, 20236Jun 5, 20236
Mohamed IbrahimHow I was Able To Bypass The Admin PanelHello Amazing Hackers… Mohamed Ibrahim is HereJul 20, 202319Jul 20, 202319
InBetter ProgrammingbyVickie LiThoughts on the Book, “Designing Secure Software: A Guide for DevelopersAppSec engineer’s book club #001 — discussing Loren Kohnfelder’s bookJan 10, 2023Jan 10, 2023
InSystem Weaknessby1337.KripMY Methodology for Cross Site Scripting (XSS)Hey folks,Jul 3, 2023Jul 3, 2023
InInfoSec Write-upsbyAbbas.heybatiNew technique 403 bypass 8, 202227Sep 8, 202227
Inon ShkedyExport InjectionThis article will talk about a new server side vulnerability that I discovered in the PDF export process. Many servers are still…Jan 4, 20181Jan 4, 20181
Cristi VladAccount Takeover via Email ConfirmationIt’s the second account takeover I’m finding on a client pentest in the span of a few days. I’m not sure wth is going on…Jul 25, 20233Jul 25, 20233
InInfoSec Write-upsbyTommaso De PontiBug Bounty: Let’s Bypass an entire Web App’s CSRF protectionCSRF token is not always enoughJul 30, 20204Jul 30, 20204
PJBorahAutomate your recon With Censys | HOW Pro hacker use CensysGreeting Everyone ! After Long break I decide to create a blog on recon using censys this blog is bit interesting we will explore…Mar 9, 20224Mar 9, 20224
InCyber Security ResourcesbyIrfan ShakeelHacking and Cracking NTLM Hash to Get Windows Admin PasswordOriginally published on ehacking blog:May 9, 2021May 9, 2021
Chenny RenExploit Development : Kolibri v2.0 HTTP Server with EggHunterI decide to write and publish a series of exercises walkthrough while I’m preparing for the OSCE exam. These exercises will heavily focus…Nov 5, 20201Nov 5, 20201
InInfoSec Write-upsbySudhanshu RajbharStory of a weird CSRF bugHeyyy Everyoneeee,Dec 29, 20213Dec 29, 20213
snoopyWeb Cache Deception Attack on a private bug bounty programHi incredible hackers!Mar 1, 20238Mar 1, 20238
ShuttlerTechBypassing Captcha with a simple bot earn ($$$ bounty)Hello, Hunters. You are here because you are struggling or want to advance in your career. Believe me, things take time. Be consistent…Feb 17, 202311Feb 17, 202311
InSystem WeaknessbysnoopySQL Injection + RCE | How I got a shell on my university websiteHi wonderful hackers.Feb 21, 202310Feb 21, 202310